Movie Trailer Reel 2020

Movie Trailers


Quick picks from some recent flicks

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian - West) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
from Warner Brothers Pictures. Film Michael Funds of Carone Gravity, starring Robert DeNiro. Want to see My old Friend? He's been ducking me for 30 years. I missed up and Sylvester Stallone starring Enrique Vila, Amy Adams, Kevin Coster and Russell Crowe in Man of Steel in a comedy that really delivers before they were incorporated. I've been waiting for this my whole life. I'm gonna be a scarer. They had to be educated to fight monsters. We created monsters. Pacific Korean three For the first time ever, Welcome to the world's fastest sport from Disney Studio, Hamlet Thompson and Tom X. Where did she come star in Disney? Saving Mr Banks, based on the true story of the Warrens. Out of the thousands of cases they investigated, there is one so disturbing they've kept it locked away. It's not a possession way. Never seen the truth will consume you conjuring. Keep listening. Fairchild Radio for your chance to win passes to see the conjuring