Voice Acting

How To Become A Voice Actor Fresh Out of High School

Tara Parachuk | January 27, 2009

The voice over industry is growing very quickly, due much in part to affordable and generally more accessible technologies.

Many people who enter this field have already had other careers and find voice over later on when making a change, however, just because this is the most typical route at present doesn’t mean that it is the only one.

In this article

  1. Getting Started Voice Acting as a High School Student
  2. What Can You Do To Start Studying Now?
  3. 1. Read Books About Voice Acting and Business in General
  4. 2. Subscribe to Voice Over Industry Blogs
  5. 3. Listen to Voice Over Industry Podcasts
  6. 4. Follow What’s Going On
  7. 5. Join a Voice Over Community Online
  8. 6. Download Business and Training Resources
  9. 7. Practice Reading Copy Aloud
  10. 8. Form a Voice Acting Club Among Your Friends
  11. 9. Watch Videos About Voice Acting
  12. 10. Nurture an Appreciation For VoiceOver’s Role in Society
  14. Any Tips From The Pros?

Discover how you can make voice over your first career fresh out of school.

Getting Started Voice Acting as a High School Student

Decades ago, if you were to get into the business of voice acting, you either had to be born in a studio, raised behind a microphone, or had a relative in the business (that, or be very, very persistent, not unlike today).

Now, if you have the passion, knowledge, skill and dedication you can get started and begin your own line of work as a voice actor.

To do this, it is wise to make use of all of the resources available to you, and the great news is that the vast majority of them are free and easily found online.

Even if you are in grade school, it’s never too early to make preparations and learn more about your chosen career path.

What Can You Do To Start Studying Now?

1. Read Books About Voice Acting and Business in General

While there are a great number of books on the market for sale, you should also be able to find some voice over literature in your local library.

Books about audio recording, acting and business are related topics that will serve you well and broaden your understanding of how to become a successful entrepreneur and start your own voice over business.

2. Subscribe to Voice Over Industry Blogs

Blogs are another free resource and one of the beauties of subscribing to a blog is that you get fresh content whenever the author publishes new material.

The blog you are reading right now (VOX Daily) updates once per day, while other blogs may update less frequently or even more often. You can receive updates by email and RSS using Google Reader and the like.

Being part of an audience also permits you to take part in the conversation and leave comments. This is a good way to introduce yourself and make inroads with others who may be able to help, inspire or mentor you.

3. Listen to Voice Over Industry Podcasts

Podcasts are a valuable resource because not only are you learning about the art of voice acting in the podcast, you are also hearing from someone who is performing a voice over through their podcast.

This kind of experience affords you the ability to observe stylistic vocal traits, different types of voices and how each voice, though unique, fits into the global fabric of professional voice over artists.

4. Follow What’s Going On

Want to keep your finger on the pulse of the voice over industry but don’t have the time to search for results?

You could set up a series of keyword alerts through Google for keywords such as “voice overs,” “voice acting,” “voice actors,” “voice talent,” and so on and receive alerts to your email box on a daily basis.

5. Join a Voice Over Community Online

There are a good number of places you can go online to participate in the greater voice over community.

You might consider joining a forum, the Voices page on Facebook, participating on a social network, or contributing to a community around a blog or podcast.

6. Download Business and Training Resources

There’s no shortage of good stuff out there for people who are interested in starting their own business.

Voice acting really is a business and you’ll need to treat it as such including all of the fundamental business processes such as accounting, billing, marketing, sales, operations, management, and so on.

You don’t have to be an expert in every area but it does help to understand how each aspect of your business will work.

Perhaps in the future, you’ll be in a position to delegate certain tasks and focus only on what you do best. Until then, you’ll need to be prepared to manage everything.

Here’s a good place to start specific to voice over and here’s another good list to reference for business in general.

7. Practice Reading Copy Aloud

Read everything you can find and interpret it in various ways.

Finding material or scripts could be as easy as picking up a magazine and narrating an article, reading the back of a cereal box, or leafing through your favorite book and focusing in on a particular passage. You can record yourself doing this and then listen afterward to hear your performance.

What did you like? What could you do better? How would you have phrased or said something differently if given the chance?

There’s a lot of room for experimentation and I hope you are reading aloud every day to keep your skills sharp!

8. Form a Voice Acting Club Among Your Friends

If your friends have also been bitten by the voice acting bug, consider forming a group that meets regularly to talk about voice over and even record your own audio dramas.

This would be great fun (and practice) as well as an excellent opportunity to start honing your audio editing skills. Libraries are magnificent sources of this kind of material. You should be able to find theatrical scripts by the dozens if your library is well-stocked.

9. Watch Videos About Voice Acting

There’s nothing quite like seeing something, is there? Watch real voice actors in action courtesy of YouTube.

We’ve got a great video blog at Voices that features select voice acting videos of all kinds, including Sessions, Interviews, Commercials, and Funny footage. The videos are all family-friendly.

10. Nurture an Appreciation For VoiceOver’s Role in Society

Voice over is so ubiquitous, that is, voice over is everywhere! You hear voice overs on the radio, on television, in video games, in shopping centers, on telephones, at the gas station while pumping gas, when listening to audiobooks, on websites, and more.

Be sure that you are not idly letting them pass you by but are analyzing the voice overs and taking note of how people around you respond to them. Some of the lowest-hanging fruit can be found when listening to television commercials.

Listen carefully to any voice over you hear, whether in public or private. Ask yourself “Which voice overs are most effective?”, “What makes people stop and listen?” and “Was that voice over believable? Why or why not?”


Bonus Tip #1: Remember to take care of your voice. This will be the means of your livelihood! Don’t smoke, keep your voice safe whenever possible (no yelling, screaming, etc.) and respect your instrument. Care of the voice is paramount as is understanding how the vocal mechanism works. Enunciate well and watch your diction!

Bonus Tip #2: Take advantage of what your school has to offer by way of drama classes, debating clubs, musical ensembles and so on. Learn how to act and also how to improvise. This business keeps you on your toes and you need to be ready for just about anything.

Bonus Tip #3: Start looking into voice acting programs at schools or studying with a private voice over coach. Another avenue to think about is volunteering at recording studios or apprenticing.

Bonus Tip #4: Save up for professional audio recording equipment, a computer and envision your future studio. While costs have dropped significantly for equipment, that doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed to find bargain prices for quality gear. See this as an investment in your future career that will help you to make money for years to come.

Bonus Tip #5: Don’t touch the microphone in a studio session unless the engineer permits you to. Some are more particular than others so best to be on the safe side 🙂

Any Tips From The Pros?

If you could have started as a voice actor fresh out of high school, what would you have done then with the knowledge you have now?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

©iStockphoto.com/Jacom Stephens

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  • Avatar for Mike Elmore
    Mike Elmore
    January 27, 2009, 3:51 pm

    Well let’s see. I think you just about covered there. Very nice. I think one to really shine the spotlight on is “LISTEN!!!” Pay attention to what you hear on radio and television. Pay close attention to the pacing, inflection, cadence…etc. Parrot what you are hearing. Try to sound AS MUCH LIKE the person you are listening to, when you repeat after them..(yes you DO need to repeat after them..as MUCH and as OFTEN as you can). Learn to recognize the styles and deliveries that are NOW and WOW…annnnd then those other things too that were mentioned…VERY important. Great article.

  • Avatar for David at Voice Coaches
    David at Voice Coaches
    January 27, 2009, 6:25 pm

    So first off, as always, this is great info! It’s tremendous that the voice acting community and those curious about our field have an information resource as valuable and reputable as Voices.com.
    As far as this article goes, one of the things that I find tremendous is the growing realization that voice acting is an actual profession that can provide a stable income. When I was in high school, I think my guidance councilor would have slapped me if i had even suggested VO as a career goal. Today on the other hand, I am delighted to regularly have high school guidance professionals from across the country call us for assistance in advising their students interested in this field. This is quite a change!!
    One other thing I can add to all of your great info is that in addition to field awareness, education and preparation, professional quality demos, and consistent effective marketing… simply enjoying voice acting will go a very long way toward building success. It is enjoyment of the field that can help keep you in it long enough to build the success you desire.
    My bottom line… if you enjoy it you’ll stick with it, and, if you stick with it you’ll have an enormous advantage in building success.
    Best To Everyone
    David at Voice Coaches

  • Avatar for Mandy Nelson
    Mandy Nelson
    January 27, 2009, 9:52 pm

    Well, I was 21 and I know that I would have taken it a lot more seriously back then! I didn’t realize it was something that was “real” and I didn’t get so serious about it until just over a year ago, more than 10 years later.

  • Avatar for Corey Tibbits
    Corey Tibbits
    January 27, 2009, 9:53 pm

    I would have sought out other voice actors and started networking right away. And used that to find representation that would have worked for me. I would have also taken more classes to develop my craft.

  • Avatar for Lindz Reiss
    Lindz Reiss
    January 27, 2009, 9:54 pm

    If I had started voice acting back in high school, I think I would have had a harder time mastering character voices. I learned so much about character development through my degree in animation and I think it’s certainly given me an advantage. If I could have started voice acting right after college, THEN that would be a different story. I would have definitely not wasted 5 years working at a job that was “sorta” what I liked to do. But then again, I don’t know if I would have had what it takes to run a business fresh out of college either. …that’s a toughy…

  • Avatar for Julie Williams
    Julie Williams
    January 27, 2009, 9:55 pm

    Tough question. I was IN high school when I voiced my first spot, and I encourage parents to assist any kid who wants to get into this biz to do it now…rather than later. The competition doesn’t get any easier, and the longer they train, the better. My son was under 1 yr old when he got his first commercial. He liked doing VO and on camera for several years…then didn’t … so he stopped.

  • Avatar for Stephanie Riggio
    Stephanie Riggio
    January 27, 2009, 9:57 pm

    What I always tell people who want to get into it is to do workshops, training, improv and more workshops. I also tell them they are gonna have to stop fast forwarding thru commercials on their DVR’s at home. Gotta start paying attention…

  • Avatar for silvana lombardini
    silvana lombardini
    January 27, 2009, 10:07 pm

    First of all I want to thank you Stephanie for giving us always the chance to learn and share. I was born in a very little country and when I was 18 my decision to start a VO career was very strange for everybody around me, including friends, teachers and family. I was so sure about my dream that I didn’t pay attention to the negative comments.
    The first thing I did was going everyday to a radio station to listen and see how they work. I was present at the live programmes and recording sessions. This was my first “VO School”. I was also curious about every voice I heard everywhere, tv, radio, cinema, theatre, music and even in the street. I was always practicing and enjoying it so I started my formal VO studies.. To the surprise everyone I quickly became a professional and I found myself starting a career in which I was able to create while was earning my own money. My beloved dream was coming true so now I can say – 20 years later – that the most important thing is to believe in yourself and ongoing training because you never stop learning.
    This is the way to honor your gift.
    As a VO talent I went through several experiences in unimaginable scenarios where I was able to learn always something new. 4 years ago I left my country and all my “secure” VO jobs so, in some way, I had to start all over again. My VO passion is supported on the basis of my conviction and my faith. Being older also means being wiser and having internet!!! This really increases job and learning opportunities so it means a great plus for new generations but never forget to believe in yourself. Everything in life is circular and the wheel keeps on turning. This is a wonderful career but you must keep yourself – with patience – in constant training and certainly you will find much more than you expected in the way.

  • Avatar for David Boyll
    David Boyll
    January 27, 2009, 11:07 pm

    Hi Stephanie,
    My tips for young prospective voice actors, not necessarily in order of importance… Sorry, but I am going to be brutally honest here…
    #1 You can’t be taught “natural talent”, and you need at least a little to succeed – either you got it or you don’t. Beware of anyone selling you VO lessons, demos, listing services, etc. that tells you otherwise.
    #2 The only guarantee in life (and business) is failure… Prepare to fail at 99% of what you set out to do and learn from it. This leads into #3:
    #3 Be humble and accept it when people in the business say “you suck,” because they will. And they will not hesitate to tell you. And sometimes they will be right.
    #4 It’s about the acting, people. Your Mom may think you have a beautiful voice, but unless your Mom is the Casting Agent or Producer, it will not be enough to land you the job.
    Thanks for the service you provide, Stephanie. I hope this dose of honesty is taken in the spirit in which it was given…

  • Avatar for Lucy Robinson
    Lucy Robinson
    February 19, 2009, 12:47 pm

    I think that the information you displayed here was excellent! Thank you so much for posting this information with me. I’m only in my 8th grade year of middle school, however voice acting has really caught my eye. This information gives me a firm idea as to what I need to do. Not to mention, I am currently writing an essay for my English class as to which career you’d be interested in pursuing after high school and this information has really inspired me and helped me to write a better essay. Once again, thank you.

  • Avatar for Stephanie Ciccarelli
    Stephanie Ciccarelli
    February 19, 2009, 1:51 pm

    Hi Lucy,
    Thank you very much for your comment! I’m thrilled that what you’ve read has been both inspirational and useful for your school project. I would love to read your essay once it is completed and hear your perspective as a young person looking into voice over as a career.
    You can email me at [email protected].
    Best wishes,
    Stephanie Ciccarelli
    Co-founder of Voices.com

  • Avatar for Heather Costa
    Heather Costa
    March 6, 2009, 11:33 am

    Hi Stephanie,
    Thank you for posting this. I had been meaning to reply for weeks! Strangely this stayed on my mind. I had a lot of music training in High School and college (I have a Bachelor’s in vocal performance) and I think that it was all a wonderful foundation for voice work, however, I wish I did know then that I wanted to get into it. Merely for the fact that I would have taken studio engineering classes in college as well.
    I wish that High Schools and Colleges offered voice-over training, not just “broadcast” or “engineering” because most people don’t realize that VOs are an actual career. I always wanted to get into the industry but had no idea how to until after I had finished school and met up with a voice-over producer.
    With that said, however, I think that a lot of maturity and training and discipline goes into becoming a great voice talent, something I may not have been ready for when I was younger. I think that as the industry evolves more and more people are finding out about the field, at all ages, and getting into it, which is great!
    I love what I do and I hope that anyone out there aspiring to be a voice talent, no matter what stage in life they are in, can work towards achieving that goal. You have some great tips here on learning about the industry – thank you for posting this!
    All the best,
    Heather Costa

  • Avatar for Stephanie Salois
    Stephanie Salois
    November 16, 2009, 2:39 pm

    HI Steph [weird, I feel like I’m talking to myself…]
    Thanks for posting all that information; I’m really interested in becoming a voice actor but I can never find out what courses to take in college. Even though the agencies are dubbing less and less animes, which is something I hope to pursue. I know that hearing my voice is beautiful from random people on youtube is defiantly a spirit-booster but then again only professionals [Like David said] can say if you have the talent to be in this type of work.
    I think I might have rambled on…
    — Stephanie Salois
    (High School Senior)

  • Avatar for Emily Austin
    Emily Austin
    February 20, 2010, 2:16 pm

    Yo Steph:)
    I’m a high school sophemore who just recentley decided I wanted to do voice over. It’s something I’ve always thought was cool but I had never decided to pursue it until now. I’ve been looking around awhile on the internet for anything that could possilby help me with voice over and this article did. Thank you so much and if there’s anything you have to offer that will benefit me it’d be greatly appreciated. I’m serious about this as a profesion.

  • Avatar for Lauren
    April 5, 2010, 10:10 am

    Hey there!
    Thanks for posting this blog, it’s really helped me out with a lot of information. But, I have another question. I’m graduating this year and I have a full scholarship to TCC for a year, so I was wondering what I should pursue in college. Of course, I’ll be in theatre and music, but I don’t know if I should follow a bachelor, or a masters, or what? Do you have any suggestions to help me get ahead? You’d be helping me out again :3 Thanks! God bless,
    ~Smitty <3

  • Avatar for Claire E.
    Claire E.
    July 13, 2010, 4:11 am

    I recently have been wanting to pursue a career in voice acting. I’m only a freshman in highschool, and I personally think that this is the best time to start preparing for this career. I’ve made a list of things I’ve done or plan to do to get my career of VA started.
    1) I’ve been in local plays, and I’ve only been an “extra” once or twice (and don’t take this as me being arogant and saying “Yeah, I’m pretty damn good at acting. I left everyone else in the dust at auditions.” which isn’t what I mean at all.) I’ve even been called once to audition for a part in a play, and I didn’t get the role. But that just shows you that even if the best director or producer or whoever casts the roles thinks you’re the best actor in the world, someone else will ALWAYS disagree and not cast you. You have to have five inch thick skin made of diamonds for this particular career path, hell- for any career that involves visual or audio performances. So definitely get in on public performances.
    2) Another good idea to get experience for voice acting is going to YouTube, and audition for videos. Especially movies that are made with the well known game, Sims. I’ve watched many, many Sims movies, particularly made with Sims 2, and those videos have some of the best voice acting I’ve heard, and most of the time they’re amateur, anime watchers that want to be a VA, too.
    3) Another piece of advice from an aspiring voice actor is to select a voice actor who you think is the bomb diggity, and take notes of what they do consistantly throughout their career. My favorite voice actors are Crispin Freeman, (Alucard, from “Hellsing” and Itachi, from “Naruto”.) Vic Mignogna, (Tamaki Suoh, from “Ouran Highschool Host Club”, and Ed from “Fullmetal Alchemist” and Caitlin Glass (Haruhi Fujioka, from “Ouran Highschool Host Club.”) When I read a line I think to myself “How would Crispin Freeman read this line? Vic Mignogna? Or Caitlin Glass?” and I try to say it how I think they would, but don’t be a clone copy of them. Be yourself when you read a script. Well, obviously not yourself but your character…you know what I mean. XD
    4) A lot of voice actors are also musicians, so you might want to take choir in school, too. And remember, you don’t have to be the best singer to be in choir, though you usually have to audition. Or atleast you have to in my school, anyway. I’m also in the school band, and we do breathing exercises that relax you and helps our breathing become smooth and regular.
    5) Something else you could try is to do monologues and scripts for talent shows. It helps with being nervous about auditioning and being in front of an audience.
    6) At my school they have “Senior Projects” which we start from our Freshman year all the way to our Senior year. It is the biggest project that we do at our school, (excluding college) and it’s worth your highschool diploma. If we fail the project, then we cannot graduate that year. This year a senior is doing an animated video for children, and he needed voice actors. I got the part of the giraffe, which was one of the main roles. For that role I had to completely change my voice. My normal voice is kind of alto-y sounding, (although my singing voice is a soprano) and I had to change the pitch of my voice to sound like someone who inhaled helium. Though it wasn’t really a challenge (Again, not me being bragging) because I talk like that to my friends all the time. So long story short: practice changing your voice so you sound like someone who inhaled helium or have a deep, relaxed voice like Crispin Freeman’s anime character, Alucard from Hellsing.
    7) Lastly, practice different accents from all over the world. The main accents in the plays, movies, animes, cartoons, and video games that I’ve heard is American English, “Hillbilly”, Spanish, British, Irish, Russian, general Asian, Italian and Australian. Mastering accents isn’t all that hard to do. Sometimes I switch from talking like I normally do, (which is American English) to British or Russian, which is the two accents that I usually switch to unconciously. My grandparents immigrated to America from England, so when I visit them their accent becomes to normal that I sometimes catch myself speaking like them. Culture is all around you guys, just watch and listen.
    It’s pretty late and I’ve been working on this comment for almost an hour. I’m not a profession, yet. But I hope to be in a few years. 🙂 And I hope that I helped another aspiring voice actor somewhere else in the world. And also, I’m sorry if I talked about something that was already in the post. I’m actually on my Wii right now so if I go back to see what you wrote I would lose everything I typed, so sorry about that.
    – Claire E.

  • Avatar for Kitty Alison
    Kitty Alison
    March 5, 2011, 8:16 pm

    This is an excellent article: clear and descriptive it really gets across the message that to do anything successfully you need to be willing to immerse yourself in it at every level. I’m just starting out as a vo, wish me luck!
    going to bookmark this site now 🙂

  • Avatar for Kody
    May 8, 2011, 1:41 pm

    Hi Steph!
    Thanks for the article, I think it might help to at least point me in the right direction. I’m 24 yrs old now, and I’ve been trying to find out how to get into this business since I was a little teenager. Where I grew up however the idea of setting out to become a voice actor was a little bit like trying to grow up to become a tornado. I’m just getting started with this but want it so hard!
    Anyways, just wanted to say thanks.

  • Avatar for Devin
    June 30, 2011, 1:34 am

    Thanks for the article. It helps but I’m only 15 years old and voice acting is all I have ever wanted to do but I don’t know where to start after I finish school where do I go from there and how do I audition? This is my dream and I know I’m willing to give up a lot just to be involved with voice over work. I really would like to work with Funimation and do anime along side my heroes.

  • Avatar for Stephanie Ciccarelli
    Stephanie Ciccarelli
    June 30, 2011, 12:09 pm

    Hi Devin,
    I’m glad that this article has helped you. One thing I suggest you do is look for local drama or theatre groups that you can join. If there are drama courses at your high school, definitely take a class.
    Also book an appointment with your guidance counselor and ask them to provide you with a list of schools in your area that offer acting programs at a post-secondary level.
    One of the best things you can do is to practice, immerse yourself in the art and also read everything you can. This preparation, along with networking (many anime VOs are using social networks), will go a long way in your pursuit of voice acting as a career. Also, if you are interested specifically in working with Funimation (or any other company), learn as much as you can about them and follow what the company is up to. Make connections within the company and become known to them and their community.
    Let me know how this goes for you! Enjoy your summer.
    Best wishes,
    Stephanie Ciccarelli
    Co-founder of Voices.com

  • Avatar for Kaitlynn
    July 7, 2011, 5:16 pm

    Hi Stephanie,
    Ive been wanting to take over voice acting for a while now, and like Devin I want to work for Funimation and along side my heroes. Your article helped me a lot and I noticed I need to know a lot more about this then I thought, I’m just turning 13 and I’m already thinking about which college I want to attend to help me with this job. I found a lot of these comments useful and I’m happy I’m not the only young person in the world who wants to take over this career. I’m already taking on modeling and acting classes and reading aloud a lot. Thanks a lot again for your article it helped a ton.

  • Avatar for ~Naomi
    August 22, 2011, 1:05 am

    Hi there!
    I have an interest in voice acting (otherwise I wouldn’t be here!) and just have a few questions.
    Well when I was looking through the comments above I took note of David Boyll’s. He wrote about having natural talent to succed. I totally agree with what he is saying but, as a 16 year old, how am I meant to know? Like of course I have asked friends and family but it’s hard to tell whether their just saying it to be nice or not (you know how it is!) and I have never really tried anything drama related at all! I suppose I really should get involved in plays and stuff but next year is my final year (scary thought!) and I have other commitments. I guess this is no excuse but I really am uncertain about what career path to follow!
    This kind of leads on to my next question….Can you do voice acting as a ‘side’ career? Like can you have your ‘main’ career and almost to voice acting as a hobby type thing?
    Oh and also! I was also interested in Funimation but I live in Australia…does that mean I would have to move over to America?
    Um, I hope these arn’t silly questions!
    Thank you so much for your time!

  • Avatar for Aaron Rodgers
    Aaron Rodgers
    November 17, 2011, 6:03 pm

    I was wondering how to become a voice actor like the characters on the Disney movies….any tips or suggestions, Stephanie?…Please help me…:(

  • Avatar for Stephanie Ciccarelli
    Stephanie Ciccarelli
    November 17, 2011, 8:10 pm

    Hi Aaron,
    Thank you for commenting! Becoming a voice actor for companies the likes of Disney takes a lot of talent, hard work and knowing the right people. What I recommend doing is studying the voices of the talent who land roles in Disney films to see what they are doing and how you might be able to learn from their examples.
    If you get the opportunity, studying with someone who has done animation voice acting on that level is important. Those people can also answer more of your questions and provide additional guidance as to how you can work toward achieving your goal.
    Best wishes,

  • Avatar for Jess
    December 31, 2011, 5:00 pm

    So, for a few years now I’ve dreamed of pursuing voice acting. I find it to be extremely interesting and the people in the industry are amazing. My favorite anime studio is FUNimation Entertainment, which is also the company I wish to work for. I have a little acting behind my belt (mostly consisting of school plays when I was in middle school, which really isn’t that long ago xD) I always find myself practicing reading aloud with my friends, who also share this dream I have. It really is difficult, but I really have always been good at reading aloud. I do this in different emotions- often messing up xD But this is what will lead me to my future. I’m turning 16 this upcoming January, and not too long after that I’ll be going to college. I’ll do whatever it takes to pursue my dreams and do what I love. Anime has been a huge part of my life, and it will only grow to an even larger portion as I grow as a person. This website REALLY helped me with my questions~~~ 😀 Thanks 🙂

  • Avatar for Chelsey
    April 24, 2012, 10:59 pm

    So, I have this voice I can do, and according to everyone I know and to everyone that has heard this voice, I sound exactly like the character Stitch. I usually practice it all the time when I have nothing better to do, and I have nothing to really do with it. A thought came to my mind and I was wondering what I could do with this? Got any ideas? Thanks!

  • Avatar for Mina Mousa
    Mina Mousa
    July 29, 2012, 2:48 am

    I am heading into my Junior year of high school. Before I can remember, I have been watching all sorts of cartoon (mainly anime) suck as Dragon Ball, DBZ, and Sailor Moon. I always found it fascinating how the actors’ changed their voices like that. I was told that voice actors were not payed good money when I was little so I gave up the thought and tried getting into another field, but recently, the idea of being a voice actress has come back and bitten me in the butt. To be honest with you, I rather enjoyed the bite and all tonight, I have been looking up on the different information to becoming one and how much they’re ACTUALLY paid. I must say that I was very surprised and VERY happy at what I found. You and so many others have helped me and have become my muses. Thank you so very, very much! ;3 And thank you everyone else here that has posted amazing tips to help me on my mission. I have recently checked out FUNimation and subscribed to e-mail updates on job openings. But I have a few questions…Do I have to go into te business field? I tried my luck in that my Sophmore year and COMPLETELY failed the class miserably…If not then will my music class help me in this field? It’s orchestra. I’m not an amazing player, I’m decent but not otherworldly, mind-blowing good. If I must, then I’ll find a way to get into the drama club/class.
    Along with dreaming, I’ve also began to parrot voice actors from an assortment of shows like Family Guy, Simpsons, Black Butler and Sailor Moon. But I haven’t stopped there. I’ve also taken some of my own characters that I created and have given them voices of their own. I’ve gotten some of them down (mainly the girls) and working on getting the rest of them down.
    If there is any other way that you can help me, I am open to sugestions and any other links to other websites that can aid me. I look forward to hearing from you. And thank you again! =^///^=
    Love, Mina

  • Avatar for Kendall
    August 11, 2012, 9:48 pm

    HI ^///^
    Last year I decided that I want to be a voice over actress. However, I’m only 13. My brother is a senior in highschool and had a hard time trying to find a college to go to. He picked one and can get in since his grades are good 🙂 . Since he started to look at colleges, I have too. I’m serious about what I wanna do with my life and I want to be prepared for when I become a senior and looking for a college and a good future. Thanks for the advice.
    Love, Kendall

  • Avatar for Kenny
    August 23, 2012, 12:15 am

    This has been very helpful. I’ve recently started growing an interest for voice acting, but after reading your blog, along with many other blogs of information and tips, I feel that I may want to pursue a career in voice acting. Now I haven’t had too much experience and would like to learn much more about it. The first thing I want to learn is to be able to act more clearly and project my voice out loud without feeling self-conscious. I also have a feeling that I’m going to have a real hard time acting to be very sad, or try to cry. However I am taking Theater for my Senior year. and I plan to take more classes about the subject in collage. I do feel however that this career of choice may be a gamble for me, since I’m not really wealthy. With the fact that I’ll need an agent, and learn billing, marketing, sales, operations, management and all the other requirements that you’ve mentioned. But again thanks for the article. I’m going to look around for more info about voice acting.

  • Avatar for Jordan
    September 10, 2012, 6:51 am

    Hey this article was pretty helpful, I would like to say it helped inspire me to look more into becoming a voice actor and it helps to know there are people like you out there giving us tips and what not into becoming a voice actor thanks!
    However I have one small obstacle in my way I am stuck in the middle of nowhere and don’t live anywhere near any major city or anime company so what should I do?

  • Avatar for Kellyn P
    Kellyn P
    December 1, 2012, 3:14 pm

    I’m wondering if maybe you can get into VO without taking drama and band?
    I’ve taken band and was very good with a flute in seventh grade, but in 8th I stopped because I wanted to pursue art instead. I’m a freshmen in highschool now, and I wonder if I could still do this? I sometimes play my piano, but am currently not taking any lessons. Usually I hear a song and play it by ear, through trial and error.
    I’m very shy and I stutter a lot, but I am trying to work it over by being more confident and standing in class. I read articles every moment I can and volunteer, and as far as I know we don’t have any Voice Acting Clubs. I also hope to be a part of this industry someday, although I’m still unsure as to where my life will take me.
    From what I hear, this career seems full of opportunities and misfortune, but I really love hearing the character come to life on the screen. Just how cool would it be to hear your own voice when watching something?
    I really hope to get over my shyness, because I would love to do this. However, if I can get into the booth, I think I would be able to show a side of me that isn’t so careful and softspoken. My friends even tell me I’m outgoing!
    From a shy, hopeful highschool Freshman

  • Avatar for Sharon
    January 9, 2013, 11:04 pm

    I’m only in Grade.7 but I’ve already been fascinated by voice-acting! I’m trying REALLY hard to become a voice-actor when I grow up, and I’m recording little passages/dialogues that I hear from TV and animated movies. However, I don’t know where to start after I graduate from high school, should I attend a normal university or one that mainly focuses on theater? Would they help me towards my dream job?
    Can any pros please post how they became voice-actors? The information would be PRICELESS to me.

  • Avatar for Stephanie Ciccarelli
    Stephanie Ciccarelli
    January 10, 2013, 12:02 pm

    Hi Sharon,
    I hope all is well with you. Thank you for sharing your interest in becoming a voice actor! Many voice actors get their start in radio, however, a number of talent also come through theatre. A theatre or acting program would be the best foundation for pursuing voice acting as acting truly is at the heart of what a voice actor does. Taking voice lessons would also be a good thing as you’d get to know your voice and how you can take care of it and use it as a performer.

    Thank you again for reaching out, Sharon! I hope you enjoy the links above. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email to [email protected]

    With warm regards,
    Stephanie Ciccarelli
    Co-founder of Voices.com

  • Avatar for Jake
    January 14, 2013, 2:18 pm

    My name is Jake and I am a senior in high school. I know it is probably too late for me to really get into voice acting, but recently found out about it and it seems like a great career. It is the first thing to be honest, that has really grabbed my attention and given me pause. I have no idea if I have any real talent for it, as I am too shy to go out and do Drama and such. My friends say I can do a few voices okay, but they may just be trying to make me happy.
    Thanks for the blog though, it really opened my eyes to the job of VO.

  • Avatar for Jacinda Jones
    Jacinda Jones
    April 20, 2013, 5:16 pm

    My Name is Jacinda Jones I’m 19 year old and i College Student and i well become voice actor and
    i am great voice actor do you best voice actor and i be enjoy voice actor and thank you
    Jacinda Jones

  • Avatar for kaydon Links
    kaydon Links
    May 16, 2013, 1:49 pm

    Hello. i’m Kaydon Links, and I’d love to become a voice actor. I practice every day, and am always research where I can go or what I can do to become one. I’m doing a project on this career, but one of the requirments is to interview someone working in that career. (In this case, a fellow voice actor.) Do you know what I cando or where I’ll have to go in order to do that? It doesn’t have to be a famous perfesional like Tara strong or Yuri Lowenthal (Though that would be a dream come true.) it just has to be someone who work on it a bit, and can explain their experences while voice acting. It could even be a college student taking a class for it, or a web parody voice actor like shadyvox or Little Kuribo. i basically need someone who can give me a little bit of their time to let me interview them so i can get a little info about voice acting. reply as soon as possible, please.

  • Avatar for Stephanie Ciccarelli
    Stephanie Ciccarelli
    May 28, 2013, 3:23 pm

    Hi Kaydon,
    Thank you for your comment, questions and enthusiasm! I have asked a member of the Voices.com team to follow up with you via email to help you get started in voice acting.
    With warm regards,

  • Avatar for Stephanie Ciccarelli
    Stephanie Ciccarelli
    May 28, 2013, 3:37 pm

    Hi Jacinda,
    Thank you for taking a moment to introduce yourself and request more information. I have asked a member of the Voices.com team to follow up with you via email to answer your questions.
    Best wishes,

  • Avatar for Anonymous
    July 18, 2013, 2:56 am

    Hey I love anime from Japan like funmation and viz.media and I want to be in voice acting and the animation how would that work ? Btw love tips

  • Avatar for Lin Parkin
    Lin Parkin
    July 18, 2013, 1:42 pm

    Thanks for commenting! I’m glad you found our tips helpful. I would recommend downloading our Getting Started in Voice Overs Guide for further information about the industry and how it works. You can access that and many other guides here: https://www.voices.com/resources
    I hope that helps!
    All the best,

  • Avatar for Audrey
    September 14, 2015, 5:58 pm

    I’ve always loved anime. I went to a convention over the summer and took a voice acting class with John Swasey (voice of Lord Death from Soul Eater).
    I’ve always been good at impressions and I can change my voice to different pitches easily. I can do low and raspy voices, but also high and cute voices.
    I’m wondering, how can I land a job in that field of voice acting?
    Thanks so much!
    – Audrey ouo
