Uzi Refaeli


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Debbie Grattan to 2LittlePiggies for Job #27857

I enjoyed voicing this project very much. The communication was good between us, and I felt as though once we decided on a direction (which was similar to the audition) I was given freedom and space to complete it to the best of my ability. Uzi was very friendly through email, and I believe we will have a contiuing business relationship established through our work together here. He has also promised to get me a download of the final work, which was a story narration, which is very much appreciated.

Nov 17, 2010


nicole's voice to 2LittlePiggies for Job #27243

What an incredible employer! i loved working with Mr. Refaeli and his wife. They were great! I look forward to working with them in the future.

Oct 27, 2010