Hasan Abdal

Hasan Abdal

About Us

AbdalMovies Production company is an entertainment company found by Hasan Abdal in 2005. We produce movies, short films, documentaries, series, commercials and all other media services. recently, it has been awarded with loacal and international prizes and was acknowledged through out it career. Our vision is to bring creative media services to the market business.

Movie Trailers

Jon James to Hasan Abdal for Job #272433

Just an amazing experience. I wish I could have worked longer with Hasan! Couldn't have asked for a more pleasant experience. Thank you, my friend :-)

Feb 15, 2018

Video Narration

Ross Huguet to Hasan Abdal for Job #232401

Hasan was fantastic to work with. Very prompt and organized.

May 10, 2017