IKEA - This is Pia

Profile photo for ElJay Arem
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Demo Language: German

Demo Recording Purpose: Training, business presentations, sales, and web sites

Especial Features Character: Husband of a wife searching for a new kitchen herefore visiting IKEA

Voice genders and "ages" I perform on this demo: Young Adult Male

Pre-, post-, or production services featured:
Translation of copy
Delivery of edited and finished voice tracks
Voice direction
Demo description and comments: Ikea Spot – Das ist Pia

its a kind of narrative short story, a guy is telling why he visits the consultant of IKEA to get a new kitchen which is intelligent and same looks good as his wife.

The advertising was available as online clip on websites.


The Text (with Swedish dialect at the end):

Das iss Pia. Unsere IKEA-Einrichtungsexpertin.
Und hier unsere alte Küche, voll unpraktisch.
Ich wollte einmal 'ne Küche, die intelligent ist und super aussieht.
- Wie meine Frau.
ah.... und ruckzuck, da stand sieht... für wenig Geld, alles wegorganisiert.
Boah.... Ssst.......
Der neue Ikea-Katalog kommt nicht allein. (Swedish dialect)
Entdecke, was für deine Küche alles drinsteckt. (Swedish Dialect)

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)

