Business copy sample demo

Video Narration


Generic samples of some business copy reads I have submitted. I also added the music bed.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
David Richter. Business read Sample Demo There are many people around the world who need to solve various tasks and problems. They are looking for people who can help them if they want a wide variety of solutions. They need to visit several professionals and, of course, pay each of them. Fortunately, there exist other people who have all the necessary skills, knowledge and time. So don't wait. Are you tired of dealing with your kids who are playing computer games all day long? Games can be very addicting. Without any rules. Children can play longer than five hours a day. It is recommended to sit in front of a screen not more than two hours a day. Are you with business looking to grow all around businesses, air learning how difficult it can be to secure financing in order to sustain or even expand? We offer simple solutions to meet your business needs so you can focus on what matters most growing and expanding your business.