Character voices

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From quirky to "Down Unduh", and from the Gold mines of the west to Santa's workshop and the California surf if you need a catchy, memorable character, Jon Goffena can work some magic!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
it's easy to see why Bighorn Mountain Barbecue has become Omaha's favorite choice for barbecue way. Don't need no stinking masked, but you will at the forward Susan Boo at the zoo when it's your turn to dress up intricate tree. Pretty other guys. Sometimes you just don't get sandwiches. So on TV, jump is Bronx Deli Way sandwiches do the talking. There was a time when life was simpler, more elegant, more relaxed, more fun. Try K did cross heading, Strengthen downtown, and he's as big as a bus. The Science of Super Crop takes you to 100 million years in the ports, the holiday season and in classic tradition, the kids came to Santa with their unit submission. Tomorrow, a bad aquarium, Baja Limousine and CBS 13 want you to share the experience. Are sending you intend. Groovy France to the Moderate Bay Aquarium