Characters in English

Profile photo for Diana Silva
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Characters of all ages with Authentic Hispanic Accent

Vocal Characteristics




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
My name is Terry, and I'm a huge fan of defend. It's exciting how fast my home business has grown. I love working from home. I literally make morning from my kitchen table. I leave in desperate poverty and I'm going to have a baby. I'm nervous and excited about seeing my baby for the first time. But I'm also scared because every jeering countries like mine Ah, health, 1,000,000 months and two million babies die within 24 hours of giving birth. But with compassion. Child survival program months like me and babies like mine have a chance. Oh my. Does my hair look OK? It's gonna be here somewhere. Oh, I hope so. We've been looking forever. What Waas? That I don't know. Don't move that. Try veer. Strawberries provide the body with anti oxidants to protect the things hard to seize. Hybl pressure and cancer. I stopped caring. I took my daughter out of school. I ignored her. I pawned her off so I could go use. The thing that I liked about welcome manner is that we worked on our own Inner a cious displays goes deeper into where each of us has to work on I figured out parts about me that I didn't know before. I just love movie and things the guy always gets the girl on. There is always a happily ever after just before they roll the grades.