Indian accent (India)

Profile photo for Bob Bavnani
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


Varied styles within the e-Learning and business narration genre.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Indian (General) Indian (Hindi)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
this presentation is intended to provide you a broad understanding of our perspective and India's laws on this subject. We also encourage you to read our policy against sexual harassment to stop external bleeding. Take the following first aid actions. First, make sure the scene is safe. Are you and the injured person, if possible, had the person apply direct pressure? By the way, can you direct me towards the baggage claim area? Clara. I need to get to Abbotsford City Centre. Can you help me with that? I came from a very successful family in India and there are high expectations for me to be successful too. I wasn't very comfortable at school. I really didn't leave my little bubble. Our technology hub in Chennai is home to a diverse blend of talent. Working closely on our consumer measurement products and services. Our landing culture provides employees with opportunities to grow and work on applications that provide data and analytics to over 106 countries around the world. From the age of 11 12 13 parents pushed their girls into the sex trade. They need to get a loan to pay the dowry, but they don't get these loans from the bank. They get them from landlords and landlords are there to grab the high interest loans. If they are not able to pay this back than day, push one out. Their sisters are darters into the sex trade.