ITT Tech commercial spot

Video Narration


A commercial spot for ITT Technical Institute.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Today, the world is booming with new challenges and crime and security. Many advances in technology have benefited the field of criminal justice, and new jobs are emerging. How can you get involved? The I T T. Tech School of Criminal Justice With a degree in criminal justice, you can pursue various career opportunities involving parole and probation, corrections, workplace security and private investigations. Write down this number for an I T Tech brochure. 1 805 680077 At I t T Tech classes meet just a few days a week. Financial aid is available for those who qualify and graduate employment assistance is available. Now is a good time to develop your skills in this exciting field. Call 1 805 680077 and find out more about the I T T Technical Institute School of Criminal Justice. Call 1 805 6800771 805 680077