Video Games

Profile photo for Joe Zieja
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


Talk about versatility! Joseph can offer you a wide range of voices, from deathly serious to seriously zany. Accents, impressions, and diverse voice acting skills can add anything from specific characterization to something that will make your audience laugh. If you don't hear something in the demo that you'd like, ask! He'll always give new things a shot for your video game, movie, cartoon - ANY project!

British - Russian - Irish - Spanish - Hispanic - Mexian - Creature - Characters - Mobster - Italian - German - North American

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


German North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So there was a message on this fancy machine. I found it. It was from this sergeant saying there was this guy who just got out of prison and there was nothing you could do. But he was saying it like like a warning. Look, just keep an eye, okay? If you see something, say something. Way possible. Demise Italicize palace to the way you were coming. I since you topside. I called you back. Showed you what you were. What you capable of. Even that life you thought you had that was something I dreamed up and had tattooed inside your head. Now, if you don't call that family, I don't know what iss Oh cramp issue have period. Now you're here to kill me. You should probably know. Never take me alive, you robotics Son of a *****! Move on to the next platform. Don't worry about me to just get somewhere. Stay there. But I do. I'm on your side. No. Miller was in contact with Cyber nine years ago. He was working with them. He's the greater snake. That's it. I've got it. Hey! Yeah, Okay. Incredible talking sword. It's not so bad, huh? A little chilly, Maybe even well, get used to that. A few decorations here. We could put all your horses over the air. This place will feel just like home.