Whiteboard Explainer demo

Profile photo for Bart Flynn
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Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration


Demo for Explainer and or Whiteboard videos.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Ah, you search file after pre can file for a unique sound or music track. I mean, your eyes glaze over and still everything sounds the same. Let's face it, investing your money is no walk in the park with traditional financial advisors or bankers. You've only got two choices. Safe investments that often lose purchasing power after tax and inflation or investments in volatile public markets that are not asset backed. Okay, Erica decided to go to London for shopping. She found a gorgeous and very limited handbag in one of the luxury stores. Unfortunately, she just can't afford it right now. Look, it's a big world out there with tons of people. So how do you find the right ones for your company? You know, in a land where attention spans are short? Whose something shiny Chris faced a challenge. His company has a brilliant new product in the big shots, said Greste. Lesson. The innovative folks, a dynamic flow form explained that precision flow forming is an advanced cold metal forming process that basically allows you to stretch a metal cylinder to exact dimensions up to 4 to 6 times it's starting length. Meet Jim Jim works for a large original equipment manufacturer. Jim has a big job. He's responsible for his company supply chain. In the old days, when his company made everything under one roof, things were pretty straightforward.