Television- HealthCare - Rehab

Profile photo for Tish Iceton
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Sometimes you need some extra care to help you start feeling like yourself again, like when you're recuperating from surgery or after an illness or accident. That's when a rehabilitative stay at one of the strengthening and wellness centers at the core bill communities can help. When post hospital rehabilitation services are part of your recovery. A short term stay with us will provide the continuous medical care you need with all the comforts of home. You'll benefit from specialized therapy through the use of state of the art rehabilitation equipment offered up seven days a week and are caring. Staff are always on hand for you 24 hours a day. Ours is a holistic approach to care. Enjoy are tastefully decorated. Facilities are four star dining services as well as individualized attention. While you get stronger every day, the strengthening and wellness centers of the core ville communities where an ideal healing environment because you'll feel right at home, go to Corvo communities dot com to find out more