
Profile photo for Alphonso Howell
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Theo on the night of June 25th 1935. Out in Yankee Stadium, a young boxer named Joe Louis, relatively unknown at the time and not yet a hero even to blacks, was fighting Primal Carneiro. Joe Louis was out of the Alabama cotton fields by the way of the assembly line at the Ford Motor Company plant in Detroit. He had had a brilliant amateur career and was moving forward. Now as a professional, he had black managers Julian Black and John Roxborough and a black trainer, Jack Blackburn. Carneiro was a giant Italian brought over to stimulate the fight game. Carneiro was six feet five, weigh £260. Italy was at war with Ethiopia, and Emperor Halle Selassie was trying to enlist the aid of all black people all over the world in his cause. Blacks all afraid that if Corn Air defeated Louis, the fight would provide the Italians with more fodder for propaganda. Blacks desperately wanted a big victory for Lewis, but they had no guarantee that he could even win, let alone when decisively. In six rounds, Lewis pummeled and cut his huge appointed down to size. Carneiro was fell three times and in the sixth round referee stopped the fight immediately. Joe Louis became a race hero, a source of high to all black men.