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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
turning heads in the neighborhood. The Infiniti FX. I'm here with John Back. Just move in the Pacific Northwest to see how quickly he falls for a number one. Hot dog Ballpark Franks. The NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series. Tough trucks, tough racing. So one day, while I'm hard at work, you know, surfing the Net, I stumble upon office depot dot com. One. Click and buy a being bada boom. When you have a small business, you play a lot of roles. Salesmen. HR director boss Don't tell anyone, but when my wife goes away this weekend, I'm gonna be getting it all over the house. That's probably the best thing about really free e checking. I could do all my bank business whenever and wherever I want. Welcome to the appliance in this corner. The defendants energy wasting washers, refrigerators and air conditioners only had video kingdom offer ends soon free nights and weekends. Good with all, Tell Nebraska local rate plans only. Some restricted supply