Radio AC Imaging - CJ Prater

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Imaging for AC radio

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
with all the different kinds of music we play. The new variety 102 means well or variety like that. I could listen to a station and wait. Hope you don't mind music that picks you up and makes you feel good. Hey, everybody, this is It's Taylor Swift now 104.5. Making that eight hour job feel like five for me. Wonderful fresh. 103 point Your phone is dying to show you how smart it could be. You can just have music wherever you are. So download our free smartphone app at Star 90 to 9 dot com Musical ride of a lifetime and win free tickets from Magic 97.12 C Train from meeting free passes in the V. I. P. Upgrade its ultimate Girls Night out. Feel free to sing along at any point. Here's another long stretch of the best from the eighties nineties and now be 100.5