Muppets Most Wanted_UK Interstitial 3

Movie Trailers


One of a series of interstitials for the UK made in support of the film "Muppets Most Wanted"

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
with Muppets Most wanted about to be released on a system. Hollywood's coolest Frog tells us what to expect. This is an international adventure comedy. We go all over your whole London mud bird Vomit Door coupe in Bergen. We have a solid week on poop. In Bergen, there's actually a jewel robbery. Identity theft. There must be some mistake, man. Kermit the Frog. I'm not Constantine. You're going to be here. To what? You guys think that Kermit's been acting a little weird lately and there's a new character. Looks a lot like me gets Constantine the world's most dangerous frog, have a fellow amphibian on set, even if he doesn't play the bad guy. It's not easy being me that frog, and that's just the beginning of time for all this stuff you'll complete may to see more of the Muppets go online to access exclusive content. Yeah, most wanted in cinema Spring 2014. Excuse us