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Irish/ UK radio/ tv commercials currently running internationally.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Irish (General)


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Purcell presents the next generation today will help him get ready for tomorrow. Parcel removes tough stains even in a quick watch for the next generation of Purcell. Fallen mighty. It's been ages since you've been able to have a quiet dinner together setting the table and you're clearing away the buggy Moses basket, the car seat, the high chair, the sterilizer, the play kitchen, the cuddly toys, the nurse, three books, the early learning DVDs, the fancy chair, the baby swing, the playpen, the safety gates feature space back. There's a fortune to be made from your unwanted baby equipment on done deal dot ie, the site that makes buying and selling your stuff Easier done deal. Have you done deal less. Behold, all living, breathing, red blooded Dublin as get ready for four days of living stories and four nights of deadly adventures this October Bank holiday weekend at Bram Stoker Festival. If you've got the neck, sink your teeth into a weekend of after dark entertainment, late night parties, new Gothic literature, spooky gatherings and family fun. Throughout the city, there's plenty at stake. You'll find more than just Dracula, Bram Stoker festival dot com or by searching Hashtag Bike Me Dublin Bram Stoker Festival is brought to you by Dublin City Council and Fortune Island. October 23rd to 26th Fangs for listening Have you noticed how bills can throw the most peaceful of houses into chaos, Whether it's getting the lazy Highsmith to pay on time are having to make up the difference for the one who abandoned ships. Bills have a habit of straining relationships. Way are easy bills, and we have to keep the peace. Each has made signs up to our cloud based service, makes a smaller weekly payment to one company on all the bills, get paid on time, decide which bills you want to pay and get great discounts from our utility partners. Don't worry about the Highsmith went AWOL. We will chase them down for you with our hassle free service. Easy Bill keeps your house in harmony. Sign up today. If you find reading, writing or working with numbers is holding you back, you can turn your life around by calling 1 820 2065 to get the skills you need. This free and confidential service is supported by on post