Explainer Videos

Video Narration


This is a demo of voice over for Explainer Videos. There are multiple styles in the file. The sound is young, energetic, vibrant, natural and engaging.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General) Indian (Hindi) Indian (Hinglish)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What if one transport app made getting around symbol No matter with city you were in. What if that app could entertain you and connect you on your journey? Well, now there's embark. Wherever you're going, embark will show you the best way they're. Sprint is the fourth largest wireless carrier in the U. S. Serving more than 60 million connexions. Three years ago, Sam, a loyal strength customer, wanted to upgrade to the latest iPhone. Six. I love my Goa, the sun sand and see warm people, great food and a place that has something for everyone. Most people think go is a great place to vacation. Goa is actually a great place to live as well. His Raj. He runs a general store selling daily needs, but his customers are unhappy with a slow billing and long queues. Here, Suresh, he two runs a similar store. His customers are happy with the service and walk out of the store. All smiles