Characters Reel.

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A little bit of everything.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Well, welcome to the vault. I'm just blowing the dust off some old tapes and see these to see way confined. Some new talent, old audition tapes. Now it's ever look at this John junk guitar. No John geiler. Okay, Eric, stick it in the machine. Oh, no, I wouldn't stick the CD in the machine. Ooh, I like that. Look, Mummy, I'm flagging. Good mystery in cities. And he flew so high, they touched the sky. I think that's the kind of thing John will decide. You know? Did kind of took Scott. Wait, that's it said get on the phone. Get me someone who can do voices from past and present Gun. I know people here not that far better were rattled me clack a bag. What you're needing is something up to date. But I do worry Obama. And this is after two braces hits him on the caravan. Hot outside. Great. Yama must stick to the past when he was a chatty man, you silly, twisted board. Would you like a jelly baby? Stanley here, looking at your breakables. Anybody cages? Well, I had to make an appearance. I beg you, Stop! Stop, stop! Stop! Can we break with tradition. Little Yeah. I mean I mean, you know, this is all very good, you know, country music, playing in the background and so on. But how can I prove that I can provide any voice that the client e mean? Everyone does voice reels like this with voices that they'll recognise, always from the past. You know why? Why don't you try doing some generic voices? And I think I got a CD here. Eric, put it in there. If you want a job doing right good yourself. And welcome to the generic voice. Really? I said you could. Appeared on this boy's real thing about what he does is it comes to big taking sense once. Like, I think you and I should become really good friends. Not bloody light. Unfortunately, some people have really boring. And then there are others who are a little bit too quiet. I didn't think that the world that this kind of complicated My dear boy, you have much to learn. You know, that kind of creeps me out a little bit. I'm gonna bust your turn around thiss That's it. Turn around. What have you done? I bust your ***. But of course, you could always sit on your principles. Stop! Look, I've heard all of this kind of stuff before as well. I mean, everybody does this. I need something new. Well, you could always try hypnosis. I can't think of any other demo that uses hypnosis to get a job. Okay, Eric, stick it in the hole. Oh, hey. Seemed to be getting the right idea out. Stick the CD and muscles. Yeah, you are relaxed. Forget the brushes of your day. Forget that other voice. Artists and actors Sexes. There is only one man on your mind. One man for your project on his name is John Google. Jon Kyla. Deliver first to your deadline. He can achieve anything that you want him to achieve. He thinks you're handsome or beautiful. Delete as a look upon. Those are nice shoes you're wearing. You done with you, John Geiler voice artist. He's the only man who exists. I am. I I I give him a job just giving the bloody job if you, um, the universe will reward you. Then in a few short weeks you will become a million million. You'll marry that gorgeous girl or boy lied. You always want to marry. Well, Mr Guy, either. I was just thinking we would you like a job here? The archives and wax.