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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
today, our whole existence can be digitized from our first ultrasound. Every recorded event, every bit of data can be digitised, composed of only a 10 books, photos, films, music, money, identity. Everything is digitized and stored in the cloud so that it could become immediately available from anywhere. Cloud is where data circulates at the speed of light and where everything is stored in numbers. Where are the billions of bits of data produced every second stored? How are the machines in the global network secured? To whom do we trust the memory of humankind? In this hour, we will try to answer these questions. Millions of pounds of good edible food are thrown away each year by New York City restaurants and markets. At the same time, an estimated 1.5 million people are hungry, 1/3 of them Children. City harvest is the link. Bringing that food to the hungry City harvest is committed to feeding hungry people in New York City, using a variety of innovative, practical and cost effective methods. The primary approach is to rescue food that otherwise would be wasted and deliver it to those who serve the hungry City Harvest strives to be a model for others to fight hunger in their communities