Animation-Angry, Amusing, Aggressive, Confused, Funny, High Energy

Video Narration


Excerpt from VO work from the short film \"WIFI\"

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Okay. Uh, what is it, huh? I don't have a problem or something invalid. What is this? Someone's gotta have. I mean, they all have the connection. Why isn't this working? Is this thing encrypted? What is this? I haven't asked her yet. What did they call her again? I think they said her name was, uh, Asia or something. I should hasn't. It's hard to keep up of all of them. There's so many of them. I only have a couple seconds left to make this post. I think it Sorry. It was like a warrior or something. Laurie? Yeah. Wait. Why do they call her Aisha here if her name is Laurie there she even looks different. She's kind of cute, but I gotta check out her profile again. Just gotta make sure she's not a weirdo like that guy touching people all the time to talk to her, though. Girls are there, That guy Look at his face. Tan much. You're supposed to hit the rest of your body more on. Why is he so up? It's him. Don't you talk. That guy thinks he's better than everyone else. Crazy. You're serious. What are you doing here? Who are these people? Wait. Shot. Where have I? Excuse me? Oh, yeah. We're friends on Facebook. Yeah, from high school. Jackie? Yeah. Wait. What's she doing here? I thought her life was perfect. Excuse me, sir. Goodness. What do these people want? You have a problem or something? 37.