Tracy Bidleman Commercial Reel

Radio Ad


Variety of short commercial spots that show off vocal quality and versatility.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
at work. I'm a hairdresser, but at Golden Acorn Casino, even I'm a player who I play all the hottest new slots. Like the hangover on the new wheel of fortune. Anyone can be a player. Hey, Spotify listeners, fair trade, coffee and great music have a lot in common. They both hit the right notes. Green Mountain coffee, great coffee, good vibes. Pass it on. Ladies and gentlemen, we are currently experiencing some turbulence. What he say, he said, were about to go through menopause, and it's going to be bumpy. Oh, my gosh, I meant turbulence. It's all starting the hot flashes. Irritability, not sleeping through the night. Low libido. Sounds like you really need to get my hands on some offers. Available for a limited time. Only a participating friendlies. Sunscreen Not required. Cabana boy Not included. Sting already for only $50 a month, with no contract or hidden fees, but he's still a chip off the old brick. This is not a broad. It can't be. Bras poke and dig, but this one is so comfortable. This is comfort, redefined and support. Redesigned Warner's Feel it love it