Lou Lambert Documentary Examples, Natural, Believable

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Documentaries by nature need a host who people can relate to for an hour not just 30 seconds. Lou Lambert with his conversational sincere delivery gives the listener exactly that.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In the 19 sixties and seventies, the United States was involved in two simultaneous conflicts. A war in Vietnam and a divided country at home. Many native and transplanted Floridians and veterans were involved in the Vietnam War. Most in the military went over as clear eyed patriots eager to serve only to find the mission becoming more confusing by the day. Decades later, the memories and stories of Tampa Bay area residents are never far from mind. What do ancient Romans, Renaissance inventors and Apple have in common? A focus on great design? All specifically, user experience design, which is about focusing on the users experience when creating a product or service? It can be traced back to Roman architecture, and it's the reason for Apple's success, according to Steve Jobs. Although it had been 80 years since the end of slavery in America, African Americans had yet to experience full legal equality. Much of its community were denied the right to vote, barred from public facilities, subjected to violence and face discrimination in almost every area of their lives. But change was on the way, a land where the waters of the Arabian Sea, Meech miles and miles of sandy beaches, deltas and mangroves, desserts ending in fertile plains, green valleys leading to the biggest concentration of high mountains anywhere to be found on the planet. This little known part of the world is also home to some amazing natural history, including the elusive snow leopard. For well over 2000 years, the Bible has been revered and cherished by billions of people, is the literal word of God. But what if God's word houses something much deeper than what's on the surface? Timothy P. Smith, a renowned appraiser and restore of historic artifacts, has made an unprecedented discovery in Scripture of finding with dramatic historical, religious and personal implications. Timothy calls his discovery the Chamberlain Key. The Maldives is one of the wonders of the world. Located in the Indian Ocean and made of 1192 coral islands, it is also the world's lowest line country. The highest natural point is just 2.4 meters above sea level.