Bryan Kopta - 'BE A FAN OF YOUR KID' - Genuine, Warm, Motivational, Fatherly

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Friendly, Sophisticated, Genuine, Conversational, Motivational, Trustworthy, Fatherly, Heartfelt, Warm, Honest, Confident, Everyman, Generation X, Straightforward, Professional, Reassuring, Engaging, Guy Next Door, Knowledgeable, Calming, Believable, Commercial, Sympathetic, Bryan Kopta, General American, GenAm, North American, West Coast, Neutral American, Authentic, Relatable, Engaging, Helpful, Approachable, Personable

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) Spanish (Central American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What if parenting came with do overs? What if you could take back the times you said the wrong thing? Conversations that got out of hand? What if you could make it right? You can. Kids have rough days to They face challenges. They may not mention schoolwork, bullying, rejection, reassuring word and a few seconds spent. Connecting can be the difference between defeat and the courage to persevere.