Ari by Ariana Grande App & Fragrance

Video Narration


A teen girl excitedly talks about the successful launch of Ariana Grande's app and fragrance .

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we knew Ariana Grande is new fragrance Ari wouldn't launch with traditional marketing. The only way to have a successful launch was to get into the conversations of teens and get them closer to Arianna to be here. Beyond that, teen girls are obsessed with two things. Their friends and their music and their smartphones or their lifeline to both. It's their private way to talk about school, friends, boyfriends and music. All things Soto launch Ari and show that Arianna could be every teens BFF. We made it happen by launching the first ever emoji celebrity keyboard. Sorry, Kim and we gave their emojis upgrades, allowing them to express themselves using exclusive emojis and Arianna likeness and her brand image. You won't fight any negative emojis here. Arianna tweeted the relief. It was available free on the APP store, Google play and Teen Social site kick. They were able to download a fun package of Arianna Asset to share with friends, including the emoji keyboard, stickers, clips and smaller guests. More than a fragrant sample, we created a connection to her fans. They wanted to be part of her world to be her friend, and this give him a chance to feel closer to the thing she likes, and ordinators loved it. Within the 1st 24 hours of releasing the Emojis, we gained half a 1,000,000 timid shares, 21,000 life and 10,000 retweets. Now, more than three million images have been shared over text, and we continue to update Ari honest fans with holiday themed Emojis Ari flew off the shelves, becoming the number one in units sold. And number one celebrity fragrance in the US are which features that they hold a while. We made Aria part of conversation in a way that current novel and exciting and teens didn't have to look up from their devices to do it.