Jas Patrick - Dating App Irish - Storyteller, Wise, Fairytale, Young Adult, Alpha Male Characters

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Jas Patrick plays all the roles in this Irish dating app! The wise, aged, weathered, engaging, smooth, calming, storyteller grandfather as well as the confident, cool, hip, outspoken, hipster, Generation Y, athletic alpha male AND the charming, sweet, sad, lonely, bored, determined Princess!
It's quite a commercial and a lot of fun!
Humorous, cheeky, silly, warm, cute, endearing, funny.
Young adult, middle aged, senior.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Irish (Eastern- Leinster, Dublin) Irish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Once upon a time, a young woman was looking for true love online. So she searched and she searched and she swiped and she soy but never managed to find quite the right time Ready to give up about to change cars. She finally found the prince, including Whitehorse. He said, Hey, what's up? To which she replied No much. Okay, what you're doing tonight. I've been trying to make plans, but so far no look. Well, how about to come over Teo somewhere?