Donald Trump for President

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Middle Aged (35-54)


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Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
New York is not Metropolis. CNN is not the daily planet. Donald Trump is not disguised as my own mannered reporter. Clark Kent. No, uh, close enough truth. Justice the American way. Donald Trump for President. If you like your president, you can keep your president if you like your health care plan that you keep your health care plan I did not have sexual relations with. The fact is, we had four dead Americans. What difference at this point does it make? I did not email any classified material. Yes, you can keep your president. Well, you have to do. Is vote Democrat in November, Remember? Truth matters, I will always tell you the truth. Donald Trump for president, United States Ambassador and three brave Americans dead in Benghazi. What difference at this point does it make the security risk of Hillary's private email server? I did not email any classified material to anyone that FBI investigation director Comey said that my answers were truthful. Truth matters. I will always tell you the truth. Donald Trump for President