VideoGames - Evil - Aggressive - Vixen - Villainous - Dangerous - Diva



Aristocratic Evil Vixen - Intimidating - Villainess - Scientist - Aggressive - Strong - Condescending - Dangerous - Evil - Evil Queen - Aristocrat - Scientist - Upper Class

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello, Claire. How nice of you to join us. My name is Alexia Ashford. How dare you talk about my brother like that? Alfred wasn't perfect, but he was still important to me. And you're going to pay for what you did to him. You know the funny thing, Claire. I don't even really care about you or your boyfriend, because I can. But I'm not going to kill him yet. I've got even bigger plans for him. I'm no monster, Claire. I'm going to be a queen. What's this? Someone's trespassing and umbrellas Island race. Who could it be? It doesn't really matter. There's no way he'll get out of that island alive. Hello, Chris. I see you've met my father, URAS. Excitable is your unfortunate sister. Oh, so you haven't for gotten about her? Does melodrama run in your family? Your sister's fine for now. Do you really think you can hurt me? You and your sibling are nothing more than insects to me. You'll see I'm your superior in every way. Careful, Chris. You have bigger problems than me. Ah, another bug. Who's stronger, Chris? You or my new eight legged friend? The T Veronica virus will be unleashed upon the entire world by my Children. Every last creature on earth will exist to serve me. At that time, the world will achieve the perfect ecological balance. Just like the ant hill. But on a much grander scale. You want it? You are not worthy of its power. You are my slave. You just don't know it yet. I will rule the world. Steve is not your concern, little man. You should be worried about your sister.