Narration: Mornings on a canoe trip (tongue in cheek)



Laid back tongue-in-cheek narration of a typical morning on a canoe trip

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
mornings on a canoe trip started the crack of dawn when the perpetually optimistic fishermen bound from their tent, firmly believing they're about to catch fish for breakfast. Once they head for the water, Tranquility returns to camp. No one has noticed their departure as everyone else is sound asleep, still recovering from the previous day's exertions. After an hour or so, the fishermen return, rationalizing the inevitable lack of fish with references to water temperature, phases of the moon and global warming. Their first task in camp is to retrieve the food pack from its nightly perch in the trees and dig out the camp stove to prepare the life giving coffee. Its aroma reaches the other campers and motivates them to finally forsake the warm comfort of their sleeping bags. For the brisk morning air, the universal camping recipe of add hot water and stir is applied to hot chocolate, oatmeal and T, and soon Draghi brains begin to function, and the adventure continues