Audiobook reel



a selection of audiobooks that i have recorded. all available on Audible along with many others

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm so sorry modelling, she said as we travelled up in the lift at Leicester Square Station. I will pay you back the £30 fine. Then I get some pounds, she added vaguely. We took a taxi back to the flat, and by the time I had all her suitcase indoors, it was gone. 10 o'clock, I put the leftover Chinese onto plates and came into the living room. Think you? I am famished, she said as I handed her plate. I love your place, Natalie. It's little nicely. Drake Whole Prison Present day Dr Alexander Thorne sat at the square writing table that separated the two single beds. She had claimed the secondhand piece of furniture for herself. Cassie, her cell mate, barely possessed the ability to read. All right hand had no use for the makeshift desk. The stupid woman had once placed a pile of clothing on the right hand side of the table. One look from Alex and the pilot been swiftly transferred to the bottom of the bed. Alex felt the right leg of the chair wobble is she pulled it beneath her down. Cheap furniture was as inferior as the people around her early summer, 1979 Saturday, radio flies buzzing Lawnmower was worrying me, her romping around the house in an oversized blue T shirt and jeans on my land, Lady unexpectedly sexy and shorts and halter neck scrubbing out the bathroom. I stopped to watch it from the doorway, pressing a can of lager cold from the fridge against my forehead as she dashed away with her Jeff for non scratch scouring sponge. You're doing a good job there, I said it last. Making her jump, Kelly smiled, and she couldn't help noticing the intense look in the brown eyes behind the grandson's glasses. They held not quite a sadness exactly, but a kind of weariness, perhaps as if he'd seen more of the world than he would have liked to. Well, he said it last. Clapping his hands together on making her jump out of her thoughts are leave you to it. After the Jessica Collins case, you were moved to the drug squad and you were charged with selling on cocaine. I was a bloody good copper. I paved the way for women like you, and you would have been the token black guy 20 years ago. Now you're accepted. Taken seriously, You forget about those who fought for your place in the force. We're not here to do anything more than get your side of things.