Southern Accent , Appalachia , Drawl , Plantation , Deep South

Television Ad


Southern , redneck , hillbilly , cracker , good ole boy , appalachian , drawl , hunting , fishing , outdoors , trucks , hick , western , cowboy , pioneer , prospector , civil war , country music , military , nascar , football coach , drill sergeant , trucker , sheriff authentic down home good old boy read like Sam Elliott , Jeff Bridges , John Goodman , Tommy Lee Jones , Matthew McConaughey James Garner Robert Mitchum Beef it's what's for dinner Dodge trucks Coors snerk

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US South) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
taken off from a dead stop with £10,000 Ain't No picnic. So the Tundra's got the most tour and four oversized dis breaks could stop in £10,000. Ain't no picnic, either. 200 years ago, the young American nation looked ever westward. President Jefferson made the Louisiana purchase in 18 03 In the century that followed, many names became the stuff of legend. But to symbolize the story of the Great West, get Carson on Buffalo. Bill Cody. Hey, everybody, it's knots. Berry Farm, 75th anniversary kickoff and a Celebrate kits 3 to 11 get improvements 75 cents all before Ariel Day weekend.