Marv Allen 'folksy-rural' demo

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Thank you. Yes, I'm talking to you. And I did say thank you on behalf of Alley Brand Barbecue, where owner John Allie wants to thank you for sucking up enough of that delicious savory smoke you to give Allie brand barbeque. Years ago when movie stars wanted to get away from it all, they came to a magical place called Northern Air. My recreation rule, boats and water beckon and peace and quiet. You take your basic tube of meat product about yea long and yea big around and voila! You have your basic hot dog. But your basic hot dog is not a looks. Hot dog, No connoisseurs of foot long food. No, that looks hot, dog. Today's trucks and tractors air about the work in his pieces of equipment on the face of the planet. But when they break who book well, fortunately, you've got a friend in the truck and tractor repair business marks, truck and tractor repair. You know, when we bought Louisiana from the French a couple 100 years ago, it was hailed as the greatest real estate deal in history. But the rial reasonably bought it was for the food. Oh, sure, it has some swell swamps and stuff. But truth is that Louisiana cooking has always been able to sit up and slap your taste buds around a little bit. You know what I'm saying?