Charlotte Morgan commercial demo reel - BRITISH ACCENT

Television Ad


A selection of commercial work voiced by Charlotte.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - East Anglia, Cambridge, Hertfordshire) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
did You know moist toilet tissue can leave you feeling cleaner than toilet paper alone, and it can break apart even faster to introducing new nice and clean, secure, flush, moist toilet tissue. The new GX pillow with soft internal ties helping keep the pillow plumped through the night, giving you that extra comfort and support. Come on, Laura. Come on, you can't have lost it. It's his favourite toy robots, literally his favourite thing in the world. He never lets it go. Think Laura. Where could he have left it? Park and find with Mercedes Me adapter. Download the APP and book your free adapter fitting today. Step outside and dare to experience one of England's longest zip lines, reaching speeds of up to 50 MPH. As you saw above water for more than 700 metres, this is an adrenaline rush to remember. Oh, and it's also incredibly easy to clean. Actually, that's five benefits, isn't it? This really is the floor that just keeps on giving, and it's in stock now. The new everywhere floor Caller order Direct team on triple 31551, or find your nearest store at tappy dot co dot UK