

Exert from a Terry Pratchett novel - Recorded for demo purposes only.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) Eastern European (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the metal debris of the heap started to collapse. Trolleys word around it In a large crowd of Ankh Morpork, citizens were just standing in a big circle, trying to peer inside Theon. Musical music filled the air. There's Mr DiBella, said lad Miller as they pushed their way through the unresisting people. What's it selling this time? I don't think he's trying to sell anything. Mr Putin's. It's that bad. They were probably in lots of trouble. Blue light shone out from one of the holes in the heap, bits of broken trolley tinkle to the ground like metal leaves, window bent down stiffly and picked up a pointy hat. It was Batten had been run over by a lot of trolleys, but it was still recognisable as something that by rights, should be on someone's head. There's wizards in there, he said. Silver light glinted off. The metal moved like oil. Wendell reached out in a fat spark, jumped across and granted itself on his fingers. He said a lot of potential, too. Then he heard the cry of the vampires. Couey, Mr Penn's, he turned the not for otters were bearing down on him. Wait, I mean the would have been here sooner on Liam couldn't find a blasted collar stud, muttered Arthur, looking hot and flustered. He was wearing a collapsible opera hat, which was fine on the collapsible part, but regrettably lacking in hatless so that Arthur appear to be looking at the world from under a concertina. Ah, and I Oh, it was something dreadfully fascinating about the Wiccans dedication to accurate vampirism. Oh, it's the young lady, said Doreen, beaming at lad Miller. Bun said Wendell that during I mean the countess asked who she is, Arthur supplied wearily. I understood what I said snapped during in the more normal tones of one born and brought up in Ankh Morpork rather than some Transylvanian Fastness. Honestly, if I left it to get, we'd have no standards at all. My name's lad, Miller said. Ludmila, Charmed said, Can't us not for our two graciously extending a hand that would have been thin and pale if it had not been pink and stubby over. It's nice to meet fresh blood if you have a fancy a dog biscuit. When you're out and about our door is always open. Let me turn to Windle prunes. There's no written on my forehead, is it? These are a special kind of people, said Windle gently. I should think so, said lad Miller. Level E. I hardly know anyone who has a opera cape all the time. You've got to have the cloak, said Count Arthur for the wings you see. Like he spread the club dramatically. There was a brief implosive noise, and a small fat bat hung in the air. It looked down given angry squeak, nose dived into the soil during, picked it up by its feet, dusted it off. It's having to sleep with the window open all night that I objected. She's vaguely. I wish they'd stop that music. I'm getting a headache. There was another one have reappeared upside down and landed on his head. It's the drop you see, said Dorian. It's like a run up sort of thing. If he doesn't get at least a one storey start, he can't get a proper air speed. I can't get a proper airspeed, said Arthur, struggling to his feet. Excuse me, said Window. The music doesn't affect you, puts my teeth on edge is what he does is not a good thing. If you're a vampire probably don't have to tell you Mr Putin's thinks it does something to people. So it's everyone's teeth on edge window looked at the crowd. No one was taking any notice of the fresh starters. They look as if they're waiting for something said during the fighting. I mean, it's scary, said Ludmila. Nothing wrong with Scary during were scary. Mr Putin's wants to go inside the heap, said Lad Miller. Good idea, getting a turn off that damn music, said Arthur. But you could be killed, said Love Miller Window clapped his hands together and rub them thoughtfully. I said, That's where we're ahead of the game We walked into the glow.