Corporate Narration

Video Narration


Instructional - informational - what is the main modus operandi of specific corporations

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Avis budget groups. Brands are differentiated to help the company meet a wide range of customer needs throughout the world. Avis is a leading rental car supply, a position to serve the premium commercial and leisure segments of the travel industry on budget is a leading rental vehicle supplier. Focus primarily on more value conscious segments of the industry. NFC Technology and Direct Link Solution links a consumer to your brand message directly from your product to the consumers Smartphone. Take advantage of the 570 million NFC enabled phones in the marketplace today at the new Gannett. We exist to make community stronger. This commitment requires that we serve communities on all fronts in some familiar ways and some new ways. We will continue to foster deep in vital connexions between the members of our communities on the world around them. Way will continue to connect people to content that matters on businesses to the customers they want to reach, with flexible options for differentiating instruction embedded in all of our programmes. McGraw Hill Education programmes incorporates the latest in research based instructional models to help you reach and teach all learners at old proficiency levels. Learning science is our approach to improving educational outcomes