Warm Professional, Business Reads

Video Narration


If your job needs a warm, conversational businesslike read, this is a small sampling of what I've done.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Our powerful SAS model is designed, deployed and supported by experts who have literally walked in your boots unfit for disposal in a landfill. Discarded tires become a prime breeding habitat for mosquitoes. Rats and mice in Manitoba produces more than one million of them a year every year we told the story in the right way and gave viewers a front row seat to the new G E E I. C T West is built for western Canadian tech companies looking to grow. There are great companies in western Canada, and we want to show the world something incredible happens. Every day it crossings, you'll find it at the top of a 50 foot tower and at the bottom of a zip line, you could hear it in the swell of electric guitars and in the whisper of a prayer.