Health Care Company Spot -- Warm and Caring



Healthcare company recruitment video. Sincere Calming Genuine Believable Gentle Engaging Endearing Welcoming Nurturing Soothing Mom Everywoman Sweet Warm Caring Informative Knowledgeable Motivational Educational Professional

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
ashore Care a health company built upon unwavering values, driving our mission to contribute to a healthy population. Care is at the center of all that we do. We believe in culturally and linguistically competent care. We work with organizations that deliver and coordinate mental, physical, emotional, social and environmental care that it's safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable and patient centered steep. Each member is treated as an individual. We take a holistic view of the member mind, Body and spirit are all vital aspects to a healthy individual. We strive to engage our members while addressing their social determinants of health, and we always take into consideration the convenience and preference of our customers. Care teams provide unconditional support. Equipping care teams with real time information for decision making is a top priority. As we enable engagement with members, we assist with latest evidence based guidelines. Helping the care team understand a member holistically is a job we take very seriously to ensure the best outcomes. We believe in encouraging and enabling multiple and geographically dispersed members of the care team toe work together always with seamless handoffs between settings of care. Community holds us all together. We desire to enable friends, family and extended community to get involved in the members well being. Integrated lifestyles are essential to a thriving community such as hobbies, excursions, fitness and places of worship. Diet, nutrition also play an important role in the community, such as grocery shopping and ethnic cuisine. If health care is your calling, helping you is ours. As all of these pieces are crafted together, we define success. We define ashore care.