ELearning Demo__Debbie Irwin



This demo illustrates "how to" training, software tutorials, continuing education narration and even kid's eLearning projects. The tone is natural, engaging and easy to understand. You want a teacher who can guide with grace and empower her listeners to learn.
Your words + my voice = our impact.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
hi and welcome to the marketing induction. Most of you might be from academic backgrounds that haven't covered marketing yet. So let's start with marketing 101 Here's a simple question. Why does marketing exist today at the bank? The best way to answer this is by also asking ourselves a series of other questions. What is a brand? What's the deal with his new buzzword? Experiential marketing? Why all of the Who has about product design and packaging? Welcome to a sneak peek of the highly anticipated O er Be home room. This online resource is the next phase of energy education, and it's especially for you, O er be trained teachers. So let's take a look around here. We cover every grade level of energy curricula. For instance, here, when you click on little bits, you'll find the following options. To view a processed file, we use the navigation pull down and click on reports, billing history and payments. Then select the work history tab eloquence, centralizes all your marketing data in one place and transforms it into a clear picture of who your prospects and customers are and what they're interested in. Then L acqua helps you create personalized touch points that foster engagement throughout the entire customer journey. At the end of this module, students will be able to identify and briefly describe the building blocks. SharePoint 2013 provides to manage records and information more effectively.