Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Suzette Macey
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Video Narration

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Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
My dream is to be locked inside a Neiman Marcus all night long, come down, I wake up and all the dresses are hanging in my closet. Neiman Marcus. Every woman's dream. I grew up barefoot on the sands of Miami Beach. Now I live in Chicago and I discovered leather boots. My boots make me feel confident and strong enough to kick snow and old man winter space. Eating et slow turn ice cream makes me feel happy. Excited. It makes me feel like a kid. I love my hair. That's why I let it grow long. Long hair gives me a sense of freedom, so I only use Kiss my face shampoo. It keeps my long hair strong and healthy, and my husband never forgets to. You know, if I could live anywhere, I would live in Tuscany. I'd have a villa on top of a mountain and higher, good looking pizza chef to teach me to make pizza dough way. We all know that's not gonna happen. Pizza ready yet, but that's okay. Jordan is just a good