How to Create a Real Time Payment - Firefighters Mutual Bank

Video Narration


On line instructions for the customers of the Firefighters Mutual Bank

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
to make a real time payment through the tap. Pay someone on the home screen. If your pay has a registered pay, i D. You can make real time payments using their account phone, email or business details in the field, where it says phone type in the pay's mobile number and then select next. The mobile number would automatically be validated against a list of registered recipients held by the new payment plan, for you can then enter the amount you want to send and a description of up to 280 characters. For instance, Thanks for dinner last night and then tap pay. You'll see the name of the account to which the mobile phone number is linked. You will then be prompted to confirm your payment and you're successful. Transfer should hit the pay's account in a matter of minutes.