Cartoon voices

Profile photo for Ali Rasool
Not Yet Rated


I had to do about 7 different voices for a children's show.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, my Mom, is that you? How are you? What? You here? I'm here to meet you. Test a need. Your voices concern a new invention. Ozick, your experience and wisdom. Good news. I love people. Understand this cup of my knowledge. Sit down. Sit down. Tell me. You just you know the professor. The dough to his burn is working overtime during your night on. And then of course, you know every hour. He's bothered me with the new invention. I know. Then of course, you know that all of these inventions are insisted and they're nothing new. I know he wasn't more insert on you. Nobody. A robot. I know. A robot is a stubborn man who won't make a change for anyone or anything. Right Range. One test is a piece of iron. It doesn't move. Oh, I get it. You want me to do maintenance on it, right Through some maintenance. What Maginnes are you talking about? Test. You're making me crazy like the doctor. Oh, we need is someone to install programs and are nominated you for the job. Because I know you can handle the job. You went for the best, but you But keep in mind that this is a secret mission. No one knows about it, except you and me. You got it. You and I know that's it. No, in the daughter, of course, that four of the doctors friends to on my uncle's husband and Children and some of their friends at school, you're their classmates told their parents is that it was passed. All the people in the city I must be. So when you want me show up at the know your voice, lower your voice and so on. My here was Look, look, I would send you an encoded message when you come, but keep it quiet. That's a secret.