

Fiction Non-Fiction Young Adult Adult

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Jessica one. My dog doesn't worry about the meaning of life. She may worry if she doesn't get her breakfast, but she doesn't sit around worrying about whether she'll get fulfilled, their liberated or enlightened as long as she gets some food and a little affection. Her life is fine, but we human beings are not like dogs. We have self centered minds which get us into plenty of trouble if we do not come to understand the error and the way we think our self awareness, which is our greatest blessing, is also our downfall. Now that you realize that almost everyone makes enough to become an automatic millionaire, you are realizing this right? It's time to address the next major misconception that holds most people back from achieving real wealth, the belief that the solution to this problem is budgeting. Why do so many of us think we need a budget? Because that's what other people tell us? Probably someone told you. Put yourself on a budget and everything will be fine. But who told you this? Your parents, a teacher, a spouse, a financial expert? I'm sure the people who gave you this advice were well intentioned, But were they rich? Were they happy and fun loving? Were they successful budget Er's themselves? I doubt it