Janice Downes :60 Demo-Client Montage

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:60 second collection of actual clients including Harry Ritchie's Jewelers | NCAA | Panasonic | Cicciobello Doll | Bridge 95.7 | Schedulicity | McCune Brooks Regional Hospital | WROQ Radio | St. Vincent DePaul Society | Faro Technologies | Walmart

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
say hello to Harry Richie's and complement your gift of love with a three piece diamond heart pendant, earrings and rings on a tiger. Did you know that our new version of Flock is the Onley browser with a built in ability to keep you connected to what you really care about? Introducing Panasonic's premier line of plasma HDTVs? The Vieira pz 8 50 Siri's. Now that's a big idea. Chico Bellow Love and Care doll always need you comes with everything you see here, simple and sophisticated. Bridge 95.7. We're here to tell you about schedule Is City an amazing new way to book appointments this month in Jasper County, a dozen or so little girls will be born. Are ST Vincent de Paul Society in giving, we receive the world's top companies. Use Pharaoh, save money, live better. Walmart