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but Summer Olympics on CBS Two couples compete in three rounds of pricing, matching product identification and pop culture trivia. Watch shop till you drop on Pax TV WP X M 35. Now, also on the Dish Network A long, gentle backrub. A lounge chair on the beach. This is one a 1.5 like my, but if you don't get your local news here, then you don't get it coming up. Next. Tweety Bird finds out there's more than one way to skin a cat. They McGill a goes bananas over his very first sweetheart. Stay tuned for his war with bugs and friends right here on the Cartoon Network. From Bonnie Raitt to Johnny Cash. This is where country folks come for really. Country Music Country 99.9. KISS FM. A story of fear and courage. Homer Cone of Fame presents the challenge tonight at nine on NBC tonight on Channel 10. Eyewitness News at six to Miami River cops Breakdown Confessing their involvement and implicating dozens more in the deadly drug rip offering tonight team coverage on their crucial testimony that broke the case open. Also on Channel 10 Eyewitness News Mark Shaffer has a dairy double tonight at six. Mark really delivers on his work a day world as What else? Ah milk man. Then catch up on World and National News with Peter Jennings at 6 30 It's news that's important to you. You'll find it on Channel 10 tonight You're watching WPLG Channel 10 Miami, Fort Lauderdale. This'd WGCL 98 tonight on CBS on now 10 oclock news from KNBC Los Angeles.