\"False Witness\" by Randy Singer (Fiction)


Vocal Characteristics




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter 44 Crime Pro turned unusually quiet as professors. Dean limped his way to the front of the classroom, removed this seating chart and surveyed the room, his eyes locked on Isaiah Washington's empty seat. And then the stubby fingers scrolled down his list of names. Mr Washington, he called out. The class waited a few seconds. Sneed called the name again. He had an interview in Washington, D. C. Today, Jamie said. Even as she spoke, she wrestled with her own definition of the word interview questions and answers. She supposed? It would cover this with what firm? Asked Sneed the federal government. Jamie responded. I see. Sneed licked his lips made a mark in the chart. If I recall correctly, I asked each of you at the start of the semester to make every effort to work your job. Interviews around my class schedule. Am I getting senile? Or do some of you remember that a few students lowered their heads? Others looked disapprovingly. Its need for taking shots at Isaiah In his absence, a hissing noise emanated from behind Jamie. Mrs. Brock, do you recall that? I think so, sir. Good. Maybe I'm not a senile as I thought his finger went back to the seating chart when his head popped back up. He was looking directly at Jamie. She peered back at him over the raised monitor of her laptop, her fingers suspended above the keys. It was the first time all semester she had not done the reading. Miss Brock, he called out, Why don't you tell us the issue in Commonwealth versus Gary? I'm sorry, professor. Her throat tightened. Never in three years of law school had she uttered these words. I'm not prepared. Sneed scowled at her, the gray eyebrows lowered and condemnation displeasure written on every wrinkle of his face. Only Jamie Zone father could do the look better. Sneed let Jamie's remarks just hang out. Their conspicuous is a neon sign on a desert highway. Finally, he turned to Jamey's immediate left. Mr. Schaefer, did you inconvenience herself and read the case? I did. Perhaps you could help Miss Brock out