Tiffany May Nature Documentary Demo



Documentary clip about Yosemite National Park.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In the heart of California's towering Sierra, there lies a treasure, a natural crucible of endless inspiration. The world's most iconic national park, Yosemite. Though it's Valley Oz, the senses of five million visitors a year there is a deeper, less known Yosemite just are third National Park. It's breathtaking. Magic was captured by renowned photographer Ansel Adams. Hidden gems dazzle the high country and spark and during discovery. And those who dare to explore join our journey to fathom Yosemite secrets through the eyes of a young girl who's been inspired by Adam's indelible photographic art. From the Valley floor to the highest peaks, from vintage cameras to smartphones to the most modern image capture technology from four legged inhabitants, two Great Bird Migrations, A tale of seasons, a tale of water and how one cities thirst cost Yosemite. It's Sister Valley, Hetch Hetchy, A tale of time. We're overuse, and an ever changing climate threatens the land as we know it. But there is hope. In the 19 eighties, a group of activists saved nearby Mona Lake, demonstrating the ability to enact change, discover Yosemite, it's renowned landmarks and hidden gift's captured by a legend