Newscaster, Host, Authoritative, Narrator, Deloitte & Touche PODCAST



Informational, Newscaster, Interviewer, Corporate, Authoritative, Executive,Narrator, Sophisticated, Technical

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North American (General)


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Welcome to the special edition of Deloitte Canada Insights, a program that looks at important business issues. In this first edition of Our Siris on managing and volatile times, we address some of the urgent questions that companies air asking themselves. How can we maximize cash in the short term? Do we need to turn around strategy To survive in these extraordinary economic times, companies must contend with changes hitting them from all sides. Fluctuating currencies, volatile commodity prices, uncertain financial markets. With so much change happening, companies could go in so many different directions. But what's the right direction, and where should they start? Hoping for the best is not a strategy. You need to be prepared to act definitively to take charge of the situation before it overwhelms you. Joining us to discuss how Canadian companies can survive, adapt and grow. Despite all the volatility are Brian Tannenbaum, a financial advisory partner, and Ramesh Swamy, who specializes in turnarounds for troubled companies. Ramesh, Brian Welcome to Deloitte Canada. Insights. Thank you very much. Great to be here. Thanks Every day, the newspaper headlines report on gyrating financial markets see roading, consumer confidence and overall turbulence in the global economy. How bad is the situation for Canadian businesses? Well, it's a good news, bad news story. Let me explain. The good news is the situation is better than in the U. S.