Documentary - Roy Wright



Honoring manual labor as an art form while telling the story of Roy Wright

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
everyone knows there's a right way of doing things. But did you also know that there was a Roy right way of doing things for my dad? Book work was difficult for him. His grades weren't always near the top of his class, but when he came to fabricating a necessary piece or welding a study, even bead dead was on it. He held no shame in the fact that he worked with his hands. To him, it was unnecessary survival skill that everybody should know. One summer, when hauling gravel, he had a severe blow out in one of the front tires of his Mack truck. Skillfully, he held that 35 ton truck on the road, all while the rim dug an inch deep line into the asphalt for about 100 feet, the bumper curled like a snarled tooth. The treaded practically shredded the front fender. He helped out assess the damage and an hour later finally had a replacement rim entire on. He hopped back in for a slow ride home and hiss. Mac wouldn't start