VaVaVoom Shampoo (Commercial, Sexy, Flirty, Sassy)

Television Ad


Approachable, Articulate, Attractive, Believable, Bubbly, Caring, Casual, Charismatic, Confessional, Confident, Conversational, Cool, Cute, Edgy, Engaging, Energetic, Enthusiastic, Excited, Feminine, Flirty, Friendly, Genuine, Girly/Girlish, Happy, High Energy, Imaging, Informative, Luxurious, Natural, Nonchalant, Perky, Personable, Persuasive, Playful, Posh, Relatable, Relaxed, Sassy, Sincere, Smiling, Sophisticated, Sultry, Sweet, Upbeat, Velvety.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
has your hair lost its luster missing its bounce. Need some Baba Babu, Let me tell you about this new shampoo I've been using. It's not like your ordinary run of the mill. I share this with my husband. Shampoo? No. This one goes beyond the call of duty to tame frizz, ease, vanish, split ends. And most importantly, it gives you the confidence you need and a little bit of Baba. Why use your old shampoo when you can experience the power and endurance of vavoom shampoo? Call or click for your free sample today.